Jesus Is Alive

Monday, January 3, 2011

A new start to a new year....

2011..... WOW!  I can't believe that 2011 is here and we are now three days into it!  When trying to figure out what to title this blog it was challenging.  There are so many blogs that are so cute, funny, I tried to think what would best descibe me and my reason to write something the world could read.  My intent for having a blog is to share the details of our life and preparation for some upcoming mission trips.  So, I asked the Lord what I should title the blog, and "Another Day Under the Son" came to my mind. But why this title.....
I looked back to the past couple of years and it has been an adventure for me and for our family.  For me, the results of the past two years is a stronger prayer life, a greater love for my Savior Jesus Christ and the knowledge that He will always be with me and His patience and grace is GREAT when I am slow to learn and understand. I know that my relationship with Christ is a daily one.  This title is meant to tell the reader that I have the opportunity to live each day under the Son of God's love and direction. 
Lord willing we will have many new adventures this year!