Jesus Is Alive

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Let's start with a story....

This is a video our team put together to tell the story of how salvation in Christ came to the Lucaciu family.  Peter Lucaciu, founder of the Romanian Evangelistic Medical Mission (R.E.M.M.), shared this story with our team and we felt it so important to share how God's Word changed the heart of one man, his family and then would eventually grow a ministry that would bring other Believers from the other side of the world to share the Gospel in a country where the name of Jesus could not be spoken not so long ago.

Mission Team Summer 2012

Summer 2012 Mission Team

This is a photo of our team with R.E.M.M. ministry founders Peter and Ana Lucaciu.  I am very thankful for God allowing us to work with them in Beius, Romania.  It is a true blessing to see how God has worked in their lives and built a ministry through them because they had willing hearts to listen and obey His call in their lives.  Many lives in their country have been changes because of their obedience to Christ.  However, not only in Romania has their obedience effected lives, but here in the USA as well. 

This is a group photo from the last day of Another Day Under the Son Music Camp.
Camp is held on the grounds of the Casa Josef Orphanage which a part of the R.E.M.M. ministry.
Praise God for the provision of translators who came along side us to help run the camp.

Monday, July 9, 2012

After Romania....

Well it is now almost 3 weeks post Romania mission trip.  It was an awesome experience this year!  Everytime really is awesome if you consider the awesome part that God is real and He never leaves us even if our evaluation of the situation is good, stressful, bad, confusing or any label we choose to attach to the day or experience. 
I have to say that this trip was different for me.  I saw the wonder of new experiences in those team members who had never flown or stepped foot into another country.  I found encouragment in their wonder and excitement of meeting the Romanian people, learning the language, trusting that God had brought them there for a reason and what would they learn from it all. 

God was so faithful to our team.  He answered our prayers for peace and patience.  Trust me, the heat this summer was enough to make even the sweetest person not so sweet.  However, I saw each team member willing to extend mercy to each other. 

Children at the camp were great this year.  The first day of camp I couldn't believe how many kids were in my group...they just kept bringing them in!  I many does everyone else have???? Oh My Goodness!  God doubled the number of children we had from last year!  It was amazing to see them excited about the camp and what we were teaching them.  Teaching the love of the God through music.