Jesus Is Alive

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Prayers that go straight to the heart of the Heavenly Father...

Prayers that go straight to the heart of the Heavenly Father...

At times in my life I have wondered if the Father is hearing my prayers, even thought when I prayed it would take forever for an answer to come or did He even hear me at all.  It is said that "hind sight" is always 20/20.
In hind sight, I will share 5 of my most life changing prayers...mind you they have always been short and to the point when I prayed them.

Age 20 
Prayer: "Lord, get me out of this relationship.  I know I can't be in this and follow You."  
Answer: He gave me strength to get out of the relationship that night.  

Age 22
Prayer: "Lord, if this is real then please don't let this feeling go away tomorrow."
Answer:  Scott showed up at my parents house to pick me up and I felt just as excited to see him the next morning as I did when I went home the night before.  One a side note:  We got engaged 3 months later, married one year to the day from when we started dating and will be married 23 years next month!

Age 41
Prayer:  "Lord, I can't imagine that You are pleased with us living our lives this way.  Going to church on Sunday morning, night and Wed....there has to more to life than the way we are living it?"

Answer:  The answer to this prayer was already in the works...we as a family have always been active in our church in many areas of leadership.  However, through studying the Word of God, my heart had been stirred and I was beginning to not be comfortable to just keep going they way I was going.  Scott and the boys had been going to a weekly prayer meeting....a real prayer meeting...they were really praying weekly and it was changing our lives.  God began "cleaning house" in each life.  When the men in my family prayed....God was listening and He was answering prayers.  These things together caused our hearts to be stirred and the fast track to getting closer to the Father was about to come quickly...he brought us a 15 yr old boy...Jordan Clark.   

Age 42
Prayer:  "Lord, how can him being with our family make a difference over the 15 years of the neglect and lack of Your teaching?"

Answer:  Instant answer in my heart...heard His voice clearly... "You teach him to love Me, teach him My Word,  I(God) can do more in the three and a half years he will be in your home than the 15 years before."

Jordan had been in our children's choirs at church when he was in 4th/5th grades.  We had taken him home several times and knew little of his home life except he had a dad and moved around a lot when there was not enough money for rent. Then his dad passed away, and his mom had left the family 7 years prior.  He was left as an orphan.  Scott and I, through prayer, knew we were to be the ones to take him to live with us.  However, God told us it was to make him a part of our family, to give him a home...not a house.  So many people would say that "oh, you all did a wonderful thing"  in the midst of the battles it didn't feel "Wonderful" at all.  Let me share something with everyone who reads this post...God does not ask you to do something for someone else and leave your heart out of His work...When you surrender to follow Him, no matter the cost, He is going to do a great work in your heart.  You will love Him more, know Him more, trust Him more, depend on Him more, and I will say again....LOVE Him more!  I had never taken in a 15 year old child before and  I probably did numerous things wrong but this I do know... I have taught him that God is great...God is good and He loves Jordan and me more than we can ever imagine.  He never leaves us alone.  He is exactly who His Word says He is...You can trust Him! 
Jordan is now in his first year of college .  He will have been a part of the Daves family for four years on this Nov. 24th....his birthday!  We filed for custody of him on his 15th birthday.   I am very proud of my son and thankful that God saw fit to bring him into our family.  

Age 45
Prayer: "Lord, I need more training for taking mission teams to Romania.  I want to be fearless in sharing Your Word and telling others about You."
Answer:  Go work with the Jack and Kara Akins in the ministry they are starting in the inner city  projects.

So, the ministry of WOW Kids Outreach was born when two families joined together for one take the Gospel to a people who are covered in darkness and to share the truth and love of the Father with them.